Summit Wee IPA

Summit Wee IPA
Summit Brewing Co.

type:Craft - Local, Craft - Minnesota, Domesticstyle:IPA

A balanced attack.

Called “Wee” due to its sessionable ABV, Summit Wee IPA more than carries its weight, presenting aggressive aromas of passionfruit, melon, pineapple and tangerine, plus sturdy malt flavors of bread crust and toast. With a complex malt bill of UK and US malts and an enticing blend of hops from around the world, Wee IPA offers fruity, thirst-quenching bitterness and refreshment you can return to again and again.


Saint Paul, MN, USA





Summit IPA Collection Variety Pack
Summit Experimental Hop IPA
Summit Imperial IPA
Summit Saga IPA
Summit Wee IPA